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[SMM Analysis] June China's Lithium Concentrate Customs Imports Released

iconJul 24, 2024 09:55
According to data from the General Administration of Customs, China imported approximately 522,428 mt of lithium concentrate in June 2024, equivalent to about 50,492 mt of LCE, down 7.7% MoM.

According to data from the General Administration of Customs, China imported approximately 522,428 mt of lithium concentrate in June 2024, equivalent to about 50,492 mt of LCE, down 7.7% MoM.

Among them, imports from Australia were about 349,471 mt, accounting for 66.9% of the total; imports from Zimbabwe were about 97,896 mt, accounting for 18.7%; imports from Nigeria were about 33,060 mt, accounting for 6.3%; imports from Brazil were about 22,914 mt, accounting for 4.4%; imports from Canada were about 18,584 mt, accounting for 3.6%; and imports from Rwanda were about 504 mt, accounting for 0.1%.

Except for Brazil, which saw a 57.2% MoM increase in spodumene concentrate imports, other countries saw a decline in imports. Specifically, imports from Australia decreased by 10% MoM. Additionally, lithium ore exports from Bunbury Port in Australia decreased by 27.27% in June compared to the high levels in May, and exports from Esperance Port in Australia decreased by 30% in June compared to the high levels in May. Considering that the exports from these two ports in July are still expected to decrease compared to June, it is anticipated that China's future imports of lithium concentrate from Australia will see a slight reduction.

Note: Customs may not be able to accurately count the actual monthly imports of spodumene concentrate. This summary only reports the general direction of imports.

Data source: China Customs, SMM

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